Tuesday, July 13, 2021


A lot of our Black Youth & young adults have been dumbed down by social media and corrupted by societies ills.They have no pride nor real respect for themselves.Lets not forget the slack parents who are just as dumb.Our young Black teenage girls are on the internet shaking their asses and no one seems to care.Grown ass folk are condoning this behavior along with the same ignorance that is promoted by way of the internet.Black young women with low self esteem seeking attention via social media.Sexual predaters lying in wait to pounce when oppurtunity permits.Our Young Black youth & young men being influenced by trap music and trap lifestyles,while shooting each other down on a daily basis.And no value for life either.It's disappointing & disgusting to watch how reckless this generation has become. "Politically Correct" is poison to this generation.It projects perverted and twisted behavior. Black youth wanting to be grown and have no idea what life is really about.They're feeding each other a lot of bad information.They have no God concious and are not being spiritually fed by their parent/parents. Most of their fathers are MIA,incarcerated or dead. Some parents have given up all together.Leaving their children to fend for themselves in a society that will swallow them up and shit them out.Young Black men & youth wearing clothes designed by Gay designers,therefore making them look Gay even if they're not (Pay Attention),this is done by design.The Gay agenda has a subtle attack Black masculinity.This young Black generation wants to do whatever they want,even if it's reckless with deadly results. Where have we gone wrong is what I ask myself and who's responsible for this young generations mindset of self destruction. Are we too busy watching reality TV or listening to the same trap music they listen to.Are we blaming racism,what about leading by example.Is it too late to do anything,have we let it get too far,perhaps we have!So what about the babies of this generation,what's to become of them? Has this even crossed anyones mind.How have we let this insanity become the norm.They're calling themselves Kings & Queens,meanwhile really looking like court jesters.Their whole look is fake,from top to bottom.Oh but don't tell them that though,cause you'll be labeled a hater or anti something.This Fuckery is tragic.Millennials is what society calls them.Well in my view it's time to raise the bar and call this generation out on their lost mindsets.We must,we have to.Cause if we don't.We'll only have ouselves to blame. "Enough Is Enough" Save Our Children....

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Police shooting of unarmed Black men again and again,have become the norm in America.The amount White officers who have killed dozens of unarmed Black Americans is disgusting.Justice for the Black victims of excessive force by White officers is rarely achieved.The value of a Black man's life in America is worthless due to "White Supremacy" & "Systemic Racism".White people in America don't get killed by White police officers when they're unarmed,even if they have committed mass murder,why?Because they're White that's why.America is a power keg with a short fuse.Being Black in America is dangerous,we have killers in law enforcement.Who execute young Black men & women with no remorse.This is not going to stop until the so called good police do something about the bad police,The infiltration of "White Supremacy" in law enforment is a major issue that's not being addressed. To them"Black Lives" don't just matter,we have the right to live without fear of being killed for something as simple as a traffic stop,just as White Americans do.Black leadership must do more to prevent further murder of Black Americans by White law enforcement.Not just Rev A.Sharpton and a few Black attorneys who represent the families of the victims.Where are the pastors of these mega churches,it's time for them to step up for justice for Black Americans.Local Black elected politicians your "MIA".Time to step out of your comfort zone for the lives of Black Americans.Maybe your afraid of being killed yourself.You can run but you can't hide.It's amazing how at the funerals of Black victims of murder by White law enforcement,seems to be attended by Black Activist such as "BLM" and others fighting for change.Civil unrest occurs always after a murder of a unarmed Black American.Most of White America could careless about the murder of unarmed Black Americans as long as it's not affecting them.Time to become committed to saving Black lives,America's leadreship must do more to protect the live of it's Black citizens.Federal intervention is way over do,because state governments have failed to address the issue of "Black Lives Matter".Time for those in power in America to put some skin in the game.Black Americans have earned the right not to live in fear nor to continually be oppressed by White Supremacy.Black Americans have come from slavery,have gone the extra miles to become productive citizens,even President & Vice President of America.That's what drives the hate & fear of White Supremacy in America and it's greed for power and money.So as many of us that can be killed like public lynchings the better they feel about holding on to the insane belief ,that they are superior.So why do "They Keep Killings Us",America is not doing enough to stop it.A vaccince was created in less than a year to fight COVID-19 in America.America needs to creat a vaccine to stop the killing of unarmed Black citizens by White law enforcement.Time for zero tolerance.... "Enough Is Enough No Violence Know Peace

Friday, January 8, 2021


FaceBook has disabled dozens of FB accounts without warning,when reviews were requested.They were denied,FB message stated the decision could not be reversed due to violating FB community standards.FaceBook has profiled certain FB accounts & groups and disabling them based on bogus violation of FB community standards.Upon disabling FB has stolen all of the disabled accounts property.FaceBook has made it impossible to contact them.They're using "AI" and generated answers.FaceBook planned this,then targeted peoples accounts & various groups.Having a FB account means risking having your FB account disabled,along with the content being stolen by FB.It is time to put FaceBook on notice,if not for us who have helped FB grow,we will not just go away.We must take this unfair practice of disabling accounts to the world,FaceBook must be pressured to answer for what they"re doing to accounts with predujice.Within FB there is a entity who has chosen to single out accounts and groups that are influential,positive,objective & Awareness.The only action that will get FB's attention is a massive "BOYCOTT".We helped build it's existence by joining the social media platform.How dare they take us for granted and treat us unfairly.So let us start the "BOYCOTT" campaign by using other social media platforms,Youtube,Twitter,Instagram,etc.We want to also make mainsteam media aware of FaceBook's radical actions being used to Disable accounts & groups,particuly Black men & women also Black groups with large memberships.My name is Tony V. Nix,join me in Boycotting and any other soical media platform FB has their hands in... BOYCOTT,BOYCOTT,BOYCOTT

Sunday, December 27, 2020


2020 the yr we want to forget,still we can't forget.Before I write about the obvious,let me start with "Black Lives Matter".Breonna Taylor,Ahmaud Abery,George Floyd & many others,death of unarmed Blacks on video.Cities in a uproar over the killing of Blacks by Americas law enforcenent.Burning,looting,racist statues being torn down.Anger & outrage,civil disobeidence,mayhem across America.Meanwhile #45 was fueling the fire,fanning the flames of racism in America,with a Presidential election on the horizon. Mass murder struck the world,the perpetrator is the Coronavirus,said to be set off by China.America's Government told the country not to worry,there was no reason to panic.Meanwhile cases of COVID-19 were rising across America like a raging wild fire that was out of control.Still the lies from America's Government kept coming,while civil unrest was still in a effect.Over a quarter million Americans died to a pandemic that was killing at will.America's leading medical authorities suggest wearing mask,washing hands & 6ft social distance.Hospitals filled with people who have been infected with this deadly virus.Families across America left in shambles,due to the death of their loved ones.America has never witnessed "Mass Murder" on this level since "Slavery".2020 election results in a win for Biden/Harris,the new President/first Black woman Vice President elect coming on 01/20/2021.America is still in the grips of a pandemic,homelessness grows and no help from those who are running America.2020 the yr of peril,death,civil unrest unlike anything America has ever seen.Americans anxious to begin 2021,the yr of hope.Still reality says who really knows what 2021 will be.Covid-19 and #45 who won't concede to losing the election.Will there healing for millions of Americans who lost family members & close friends to Covid-19,how will America be brought together after being seperated by the #45 administration.How will the loses of jobs and small buisnesses rebound.Can the new vaccine to cure Covid-19 be trusted.Or will the nghtmare continue.Lets not kid ourselves,2021 will be like anesthesia for the major surgery America needs with a 50/50 chance of a sucessful surgery.Then the recovery process,which has the hazzard of giving America a heart attack.All most of Americans have is faith & belief,which has so far gotten us through so far.Now we trust "Grace & Mercy" will prevail...

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Spring of 2020 millions of Earth's citizens are victims of death by "Mass Murder",perpetrated by a unknown assailant .The weapon used is "COVID-19.World Governments failing to protect the citizens of their countries from a disease with no cure or vaccine.Scientist & Medical experts world wide baffled on how to stop the death toll from rising.Earth's citizens are burying their loved ones at a rapid pace.Mass hysteria is on the rise,fear of being next on the death list.Measures to prevent further death have proven fruitless as the death toll still climbs.This "Pandemic" has cause many to isolate themselves in "Quarantine" ordered by local Governments.People haven't been killed like this since the Atomic bombs were dropped on Japan or in the many wars that have taken place on Earth.Who is the perpetrator of this "Mass Murder",it's said it came from China or started there by a "Bat".Who really believes that? This lie has been used many times when "Mass Murder" by disease has taken place.Monkeys,chickens,etc. have been the usual suspects.When the unknown suspect is really in human form.Why is this COVID-19 plague happening? Who benefits from watching millions die.Is this the beginning of the end of how life on Earth has been lived.Is a Global Government attempting to seize power over the world or could the unknown perpetrator be like a suicide bomber,who is willing to sacrifice themself to destroy the world.How much about the "Mass Murder" on Earth is not being told to it's citizens.
God is the only defense that Earth's citizens have to protect them from being victims of the "Mass Murder" which continues to claim lives every second.There are many who have no "Faith",many who have lost "Faith".Is God testing our"Faith",no I don't believe that!God's "Grace & Mercy" will prevail.There will be a lesson and a blessing when it's all said and done.Death in the Spring of 2020 will never be forgotten,a lot of survivors lives will be changed forever. COVID-19 "Mass Murder" will have a lot of us changing the way we live,and maybe to cherish our loved ones more.Maybe life on Earth won't be taken for granted,cause who knows when the next "Mass Murder" will strike again.May "God's" will be done to save the earth,our home in this massive universe.

Tony V. Nix

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


To the man who stole this land,
We built this country on our back,just because our skin happened to be Black.While we built this nation you put the Red man on a reservation.Slavery the Black "Holocaust",no other race has suffered so much life lost.Terrorist from Europe are who you really are,racist from near and far.At your hands Black have lost too much Blood,it could be matched with the great flood.You call yourselves the master race,Bullshit and I'll tell you that to your face.Now in 2019 present day,your still the same old "Ofay".Racist task without wearing a mask.Hoods are no longer needed,cause your racist path has currently succeeded.A Black man in the White House ignited your greatest fear,now it's your time for pay back for the next 4yrs. Your Leadership has embarrassed your whole party,still you don't care cause he really ain't nobody.Your European traits of greed,theivery,savagery & oppression.Will it last forever is the question?For decades you've been rough & tough,believe it or not some of us have had "Enough".We can beat you at your own game,only this time the results won't be the same.Your time has come to be undone.Hate & power is what motivates you,the same thing will undo you.Too over confident will be your down fall,hell's fires await you all.Remember pressure burst pipes and a few are about to blow,your time is near for you to go.Who am I you ask,I'm the one who knows "Good conquers Evil no matter how long it takes....#Prophecy ።